The Difference between a Vegan and Plant -Based Diet
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The Difference between a Vegan and Plant -Based Diet

The Difference between a Vegan and Plant -Based Diet


It is a bit hard to keep track of the latest diets and eating lifestyles these days. Every few months there is some latest fad diet or the other that has swept the health community by storm or the new workout DVD that everyone is raving about.

But in all of this, many people who are not well acquainted with the various diet-based terms like ketosis, plant-based eating, BPA free and other health food buzzwords leave others scratching their heads.

Many people don’t know the difference between a vegan diet and a plant-based diet and often use these two terms interchangeably.

Although there really isn’t much of a stark difference to these eating lifestyles, none the less we will point out the main and only differences.


Vegan diet

Vegans don’t eat any animal-based products but they take this philosophy to other areas of their life too.  You would never see them wearing any leather or fur coat etc. Veganism is more of an ethical or spiritual-based lifestyle where valuing all animal life is crucial and there is zero tolerance for any animal exploitation.

Vegans don’t eat animal products but that doesn’t mean that they are necessarily always eating plant- based or unprocessed vegan foods.

Plant-based diet

Plant-based foods or whole plant diet focuses on consuming unprocessed and whole plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes etc. They are the stricter in terms of eating their food but when it comes to using animal products like leather or fur, they have no issues.

They don’t believe in refined or adulterated foods such as corn syrup or bleached flour etc. Their approach towards eating plant-based foods is not mostly ethical but more of a health-based one. Some people do incorporate animal products in their diet but that is very rare.

Choosing what’s right for you

Veganism or plant-based diets, albeit are a very healthy option but it may not be suited for everyone; therefore you have to first determine what your body can get used to. Many people end up switching back to their omnivorous lifestyle because their body rejected the idea or was lacking in certain nutrients.

The good news is that you can still have vegan or plant-based food and still eat the meat of your choice. If you want to try healthy vegan or plant-based food then opt for a healthy meal delivery service in your area and see if you can keep up with this diet for a month. This will help you decide if going tonally green is the right choice for you or not.

Weight loss

Even if you are not going permanently vegan or plant based, adding lots of veggies to your diet is a great way to help you lose weight and stay in shape.  Just by adding two vegan/plant-based meals a day can make a drastic difference to your overall health.

Looking for a healthy meal delivery service in Mississauga or Oakville? Head over to Livfit and try our amazing meal services today!

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